Diocesan Officials of Brooklyn
Office of Diaconate Formation
7200 Douglaston Parkway, Douglaston, NY 11362
Ph: (718) 965-7300, Fax: (718) 399-5057
Ph: (718) 965-7300, Fax: (718) 399-5057
- Deacon Jorge Gonzalez, Director
ext. 5577, jagonzalez@diobrook.org - Nora R. Ugarte, ext. 5413
Office of Episcopal Delegate for Religious
310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Ph: (718) 965-7300
Ph: (718) 965-7300
- Sr. Maryann Seton Lopiccolo, S.C., ext. 5502, mlopiccolo@diobrook.org
Office of Fiscal Management
310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Ph: (718) 965-7300, Fax: (718) 965-7371
Ph: (718) 965-7300, Fax: (718) 965-7371
- John Borgia, CPA, CFO, ext. 1410, (jborgia@diobrook.org
- Martin J. McManus, CPA, Comptroller
ext. 1401, mmcmanus@diobrook.org - Gerard Belmont, ext. 1225, gbelmont@diobrook.org
- Raimundo Espinal, ext. 1412, respinal@diobrook.org
- Nadine Gilchrist, ext. 1416, ngilchrist@diobrook.org
- Johanna Mitchell, ext. 1411, jmithcell@diobrook.org
- Margarita Velez, ext. 1407, mvelez@diobrook.org
- Roseanne Coleman-Neiswenter, ext. 2406, rcneiswenter@diobrook.org
- Deacon Arthur Cutter, ext. 1015, acutter@diobrook.org
Office of the Hospital and Healthcare Chaplaincy Program
310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Ph: (718) 281-9559, Fax: (718) 399-5940
Ph: (718) 281-9559, Fax: (718) 399-5940
- Deacon Julio C. Barreneche, Coordinator
ext. 5610, jbarreneche@diobrook.org - Denise Thomas, Administrative Assistant
ext. 2134, dthomas@diobrook.org
Office of Human Resources
310 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Ph: (718) 965-7300, Fax: (718) 965-7363
Ph: (718) 965-7300, Fax: (718) 965-7363
- Diana Veloza, Chief Human Resources Officer
ext. 1312, dveloza@diobrook.org - Sandra Caban, ext. 1302, scaban@diobrook.org
- Rose O’Loughlin, ext. 1306, rmitchell@diobrook.org
- Christopher A. Miller, HR Administrator
ext. 1303, cmiller@diobrook.org - Antonia Sciara, ext. 1316, asciara@diobrook.org
- Vanessa Wong, ext. 2400, vwong@diobrook.org
- Mary Anne Page, ext. 2164, mpage@diobrook.org
- Sandy Caban, ext. 1302, scaban@diobrook.org
- Pension Call Center, ext. 1310
- Joyce Donaldson, ext. 1308, jdonaldson@diobrook.org
- Deacon Thomas Page, ext. 5308, tpage@diobrook.org
- Sarah Moffitt, ext. 5303, smoffitt@diobrook.org
Office of Priestly Life and Ministry
2615 154th Street, Flushing NY 11354
Ph: (718) 886-0201, Fax: (718) 886-0882
Ph: (718) 886-0201, Fax: (718) 886-0882
- Very Rev. Joseph G. Fonti, S.T.B., S.T.L.